Official Comix Shorts Wiki
Official Comix Shorts Wiki


Tony has an obsession with shoving random things up where the sun don't shine.


Tony is at home talking with his mother because she was wondering what things he stuck up this time. Tony told her it was a shampoo bottle and claims he quote unquote "Slipped in the Shower". And Maria was very concerned because it was the 5th time he slipped in the shower. After leaving his house, He decided to go to The Data Crew's house to use the bathroom. After he got done, He saw a glass bottle that he can shove up his booty. Summer then wonders if Tony is doing away. After Tony got startled by Summer's voice, He slipped on a water puddle and the glass broke inside Tony's rectum; Which injured his rectum. Summer comes in all worried and scared because Tony was hurt badly and she had to call 911.



  • This revealed Tony's disorder on shoving things up his rectum.
  • Es Ging Durch Deinen Arsch means "It Went Up Your Ass" in German.